
Hello Japan

I must admit, I waste a bit of time clicking "Next Blog".

( Tip - put a bookmark on your toolbar with the URL http://www.blogger.com/redirect/next_blog.pyra?navBar=true so you don't have to search for the "Next Blog" button on each page. )

I thought it was cool that my clustrmap shows a connection from Japan.

I can usually guess who connected from the location. But the notion of a complete stranger gawking at a photo of my big nose and red hair, or my parents, or the latest load of appliances I'm driving to New Orleans is nearly transcendental.

I doesn't supersede the feeling of sharing that I used to receive when a listener to WTUL would call and commend my selection. At WTUL I had a sense of separation from the broadcast. I felt like I was in a room playing records, and the notion that a people were listening to that music and being affected by it was so alien that I chose to attempt to ignore it rather than comprehend it.

My favorite call-in was the woman ( this was NOT the masturbation lady for you WTUL DJs, although she called me a lot ) who called me and told me that the set of music I had just played was perfect to masturbate to. I asked her what her name was. She wouldn't' tell me. I told her I would announce over the air that she approved of the selection. She kind of stammered. I almost wrote her phone number down from the caller ID. But I chose to allow the mystery to linger.

Like my Japanese visitor. Although I doubt my post about the detour through the Shenandoah 's Skyline drive inspired sexual arousal. I can enjoy the mystery of how my words and photos affected that stranger's perception of the world for one moment in time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're in a global village...

Shenandoah - wow - travelled thru as a child ... great stories about road trips with my Dad ...

life does come full circle or at least we travel on the same roads ...
...great bike pic! - Love Mom


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