Ouch again.

I was wearing 661 knee/shin guards when I got this. The photo doesn't show it well, but there is bruising around the cut down to just above my ankle. I basically got jammed up at an obstacle, doing an endo, I fell over to my left side. My shin was the first thing that landed on anything, and it landed on a tree stump.
I was sick most of last week. I rode Gambrill state park again today. I didn't feel quite as bad as two weeks ago. But I didn't feel all that good, either. I felt like I had a little more jam for getting up hills and over obstacles.
I will ride tomorrow on the Lower Macgruder and Seneca Greenway trails: http://www.mcparkandplanning.org/trails/trails_maps/Seneca.shtm
They are not as difficult as Gambrill, so they'll make a good 2nd day of riding.
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