
MG Pictures


Mardi Gras 2007

Orpheus Parade.

More to come.


New road bike

Carbon fiber trek 5200 with Ultegra components. Bontrager racelite wheels. Used, but in good shape. 2003.

My house in New Orleans

John and Pat are working hard, and the house is coming along...

and it is not trash.

You can start to get a feel for what the place will look like when it is done. Hurricane Katrina certainly has left a mark on this property. Although in this case after all is said and done it will be a positive rather than negative mark. I think it is a case of making lemonade from lemons. Carpe Diem.


Ah yes, the Flophouse

I thought of the flophouse today. My former residence. A fabled place. There are many, many stories those smoky walls could tell.

But I started thinking about shows that we had there. Just partial list from off the top of my head:

. Sea Life
. Chef Menteur ( check out the flyer that Alec and Jim kept )
. Nocturnal Transmission
. DJ Chris Barinsfather
. The Rubbermaids
. This bike is a pipe bomb
. The Robinsons
. Veloka ( How many band incarnations of the Dave and Elzy family played FH parties?)
. Point and Click
. Treatus
. The Wontons - ( from Austin )
? fivehead ( did you guys ever actually play there? I remember John stopped by often)

Sorry about the omissions, please add comments to help me remember...

Here are some photos of the Flophouse: